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Plan Chattanooga is an effort to involve the community in creating detailed plans for all areas of the city.

The Chattanooga Regional Planning Agency (RPA) is undertaking an ambitious planning process to create detailed area plans for all areas of Chattanooga and a parallel process for other areas of Hamilton County.

As the population of Chattanooga and Hamilton County grows it is important to have a plan for potential changes that may occur. Over time, the neighborhoods, commercial centers, parks, and natural areas in our county should become even more livable and reflect a healthy balance of development with conservation. To ensure the creation of a resilient community, the RPA divided Hamilton County into 13 areas and set about to create a detailed plans for each area.

Plan Chattanooga

Eight of these areas are within the City of Chattanooga. Two of these eight areas (Historic River to Ridge and East Brainerd) already have adopted plans. Plan Chattanooga will create plans for each of the remaining six areas, resulting in an overall citywide growth framework and eight detailed plans. Each area plan will consider demographics, natural resources, parks and greenways, commercial and industrial development, housing, transportation, and related topics. These plans will provide guidance for new development, zoning changes, capital improvements, and conservation. The City areas are:

  • Area 1     Downtown / North Chattanooga
  • Area 2     Hixson / Red Bank
  • Area 3     Historic River-to-Ridge – Adopted
  • Area 4     South Chattanooga / Lookout Mtn.
  • Area 5     Lookout Valley
  • Area 6     Brainerd / East Ridge
  • Area 10   Hwy 58 / Tyner
  • Area 11    East Brainerd – Adopted


Hamilton County – Our Communities, Our Growth

A separate process is underway to prepare plans for the five remaining unincorporated areas of Hamilton County. Visit to learn about that process.

  • Area 7     Walden Plateau
  • Area 8     Middle Valley / Lakesite
  • Area 9     Northeast County
  • Area 12   White Oak Mountain – Adopted
  • Area 13   North County / Soddy-Daisy
Hamilton County Map of Planning Areas

Get involved in Plan Chattanooga

Answers to common questions about Plan Chattanooga

The Process

There will be multiple opportunities for community input into the Plan Chattanooga process over the next 12 months.

Who is involved?

Advisory Committee

Process leadership

The plan committee is a diverse group of community members gathered to serve as community advocates for the plan, to provide guidance and direction regarding the process and substance and to serve as stewards of the plans once they are completed. They will be convened at major milestones in the process.


Targeted input

Various stakeholder groups will convene to inform specific aspects of the plans. These groups include business leaders, neighborhood associations, real estate professionals and developers, education professionals, students, and young professionals.


Input and feedback

Widespread community participation is vital to Plan Chattanooga’s success. In-person community workshops and this website will offer various ways for the community to give input throughout the process.



The Department of Planning/RPA and City of Chattanooga Departments will support and help coordinate the work of all other groups’ local knowledge and expertise.

Elected Officials


The mayor and council will monitor the Plan Chattanooga process and the resulting plans, recognizing that success should be independent of the city’s elected leadership.


Process leadership, expertise

Planning NEXT and Mend Collaborative will facilitate the process and share experience from other communities. Kimley-Horn, Croy Engineering, and Ninigret Partners will assist Planning NEXT and provide expertise in transportation, housing, economic development,  infrastructure, and other topics.

Does your group or organization have a meeting you would like us to attend to speak about Plan Chattanooga?

Contact us to request a meeting or for other questions.

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